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"Awesome, my video sells!"
Pick a product with video mission.
Purchase product and shoot an unboxing or review video.
Upload to YouTube and submit to Rebatee.
Get extra video rewards.
Tips: The reward you will receive for each video is based on your R Level. The higher quality the video you create, the higher R Level you will get.
I'm interested, What are the options of videos I can make?
Unboxing video by level 1 to level 5.
* Casual and relatively short (2-8 mins);
* Record the process of unboxing the product;
* Introduce some background knowledge
  about the product or technology;
* Provides an overview of the product, not
  limited to apperance and/or features;
* Hands-on experience of the product;
* Express your thought on the product.
Instruction video by level 2 to level 5.
* An in-depth user guide on the product;
* Length based on the contents or complexity;
* Film the use case in a real environment;
* Film or illustrate step-by-step instructions on
   how to setup/use a product;
* Answer questions and/or troubleshooting
* Minor discussion with supplier and revision
   might be required.
Promotion video by level 3 to level 5.
* Advertising video that features prodct in a
   professional setup scene;
* Professional 3D rendered or filmed and
   edited with voice over;
* Film a real person using the product;
* In-depth review of the product (Optional);
* Be able to effectively increase sales volumes
* Scriptwriting or revision (Optional);
* Discussion for filming details .
Learn more about R level and video reference standard.
Become an influencer and earn more.
Refer three members and apply for Rebatee Influencer.
What are you waiting for?Join us now.
If you have a specific request or question,
you can email us service@rebatee.com